Street Theater Entertainment

Leapin’ Louie is lost hitchhiking on a barren highway in the Wild West. He dreams of his old freedom riding his horse on the range. Dreaming, bumbling, clumsy, how can he deal with the modern world? Well, he has his 25 meter lasso

Leapin' LouieDavid Lichtenstein does highly original physical comedy with his unique cowboy comic character, Leapin’ Louie.

And he is a top world class one of the best trick lasso spinners and whip crackers.

David Lichtenstein is the most explosive LIthuanian Jewish Cowboy Comedian to ever come out of Oregon, USA.

No wonder just in the past few years he has traveled from Oregon to:

Leapin' Louieand won awards including:

Louie performs the spoken part of the show in English, Francais, Espanol, Italiano, Nederlands, Deutsch, Japananese and can learn it in other languages.

Leapin’ Louie -- a true clown of the modern west!

Leapin' Louie Street Theater Show Tech:

45 minutes, can be 15-60 minutes.
5 meters squared for show space, plus space for audience.
No electricity or structure required.